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Organic Peppermint Ginger Tea

Sale price$18.49

Organic Ginger Tea Pods for Keurig with Organic Peppermint Tea - Naturally Decaffeinated Peppermint and Ginger Tea. is a soothing cup of tea that combines the warming spice of ginger with the coolness of peppermint, perfect for a moment of relaxation.
Organic Peppermint Ginger Tea
Organic Peppermint Ginger Tea Sale price$18.49

Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Travis Carter
"Tea Time Bliss"

Transform your tea time into bliss with Teavity's Peppermint Ginger Tea K cup. The organic infusion and the simplicity of Keurig brewing create a harmonious tea-drinking experience.

Haley Thompson
"Guilt-Free Indulgence"

Indulge guilt-free with Teavity's Organic Peppermint Ginger Tea. The K cup convenience ensures that I can enjoy this delightful brew without compromising on quality or taste.

Bradley Anderson
"Tea with a Kick"

Teavity's Peppermint Ginger Tea K cup packs a punch! The robust taste and health benefits are a winning combination, making it my go-to choice for a tea that kicks up my day.

Sierra Brooks
"Peppermint Perfection"

Experience peppermint perfection with Teavity's K cup offering. The organic infusion, combined with the ease of Keurig, makes this tea a soothing and flavorful escape.

Derek Foster
"Ginger Magic"

Teavity's Organic Peppermint Ginger Tea K cup is pure ginger magic! The quality is evident, and the convenience of brewing with Keurig adds a touch of modern magic to this herbal blend.